Found out she was having an affair for years

Crazy how I found out one night after a family get together when she had little to much to drink & made a random comment. We have had our issues yes, can’t lie. She has been talking to a guy from her old job for about 2.5 years. They shared & meet & who knows what else tell I found out by going through her phone for the first time in 8 years The guy has a wife & kids as well. Was wild. Idk don’t have really anyone to talk to this about & it just has caused a wedge between us in alot of crazy ways. I just feel lost & torn apart in ways words can’t explain. I’m not saying I’m no saint but never went that far with things. Trying to make things work the best I can but idk what life brings my way. Just wanted to throw that out there & see if there’s others like this in my boat? Well wish y’all the best & we shall see what life brings us. It’s just wild cause she had a good life, didn’t have to worry about anything & take care of the kids( yes I know that’s a full time job itself) but she wanted attention from another man that she allowed to get comfortable & was hiding it & making plans & finding ways to talk & make videos & see each other. Idk how do you keep it together & grow from this? Any advice is always good. Or should I cut ties & live life, since we have just one. I’m lost can’t lie.