Wife getting flowers on Valentine’s Day from several male workmates

Is it normal to give someone who is married flowers on Valentine’s Day?

Valentine’s Day: Comes home with one rose Day after Valentine’s Day: comes home with three roses in a small vase

Two different people. We don’t know if they got flowers for others or just her.

There’s no card.

We’re on god terms.

I didn’t get her anything, I was going to “do” something for her but she prevented me unknowingly.

She doesn’t work in an office, rather a restaurant.

She never did nor would express to anyone what I did or didn’t buy her.

Fun questions to ask: - If I am out of the picture, is the flower gift a holder for second place? - She can’t stop someone from giving her a flower, but was it okay to accept it? - Do any flower givers want to deflower my wife? 🤔🤔🤔