Close to a divorce over politics

So long story short, me and my wife are close to getting a divorce over Donald Trump.

She had always been a caring, kind person. I didn’t care that she was Republican, but to me, Donald Trump is more about more than about typical politics. She had previously said she had not voted for him in the other elections, although now I’m curious if that was just to keep the peace at home.

She told me a little after the election that she did vote for him this time. I did not argue or fight with her, but I said I needed some space. She said she understood.

We lived in the same house, although our contact was not as much as it used to be, I even moved out of the bedroom. She recently said that I’d had enough time to get over it, and that we could just agree not to discuss politics or Trump.

We were also trying to have kids, so the separation, and the fact that we’re getting older…

I told her I agreed to her terms, with the exception of I no longer wanted to have kids. I just wouldn’t feel right raising kids with a Trump voter. She freaked out and asked me if I’m willing to throw away an entire relationship or a politician neither of us would meet.

I told her it came down to values, and I didn’t want our kid to be raised to be told to behave like Donald Trump does, or that behaving like him was acceptable.

A couple weeks go by, she tells me that for the good of the family, she’ll stop being a “Trump supporter”, I told her it was too late for that he’s term limited, and that she could never take back her vote.

She basically said that by agreeing to stop supporting Trump, that’s literally all she could do, and if I could still will never move past this, then maybe we should separate.

So right now we’re in the process of the divorce, we’re living in the same house, we’re civil, although we hardly talk. Our friends and family are trying to keep us together.

  1. I understand that her saying that she would agree to stop being a Trump supporter, it’s just a lie too keep the relationship. It also makes me question if she had voted for before and just decided not to tell me.

  2. Our marriage was fine other than this. I could agree, like I said to stay married, and just never discuss him.

The problem is she wants kids…when we start to teach the kids aboutmorals and decency. I’m just going to think about how Trump makes fun of people, calls people names, says racial stuff, and it’s gonna be really hard to take raising a kid not to do that seriously, when she supported giving a man like that the highest office in the land.

  1. I don’t need her false promise of no longer being a Trump supporter, everything would be fine if she just agreed that we won’t have kids.

  2. I think divorce is probably gonna be the only solution, does anyone have any thoughts?