My (30m) wife (33m) has become seemingly disabled overnight. How do I support her?
I apologize in advance if this is not the correct place to do a post like this, but I feel like I need to get it off my chest.
Around 1 PM on Wednesday last week, my wife called me while we were both at work and informed me that her doctor was recommending that she go to the ER. She had called them to discuss some symptoms (continuous muscle/joint pain in the hands and wrists, higher than normal fatigue, some confusion) she was having which we had attributed to her depression/anxiety meds. These symptoms were beginning to present more as stroke-like symptoms according to the doctor’s office.
After an inconclusive ER trip (all vitals, urine, bloodwork, viral and CT scan normal) and thorough neuro examination by our primary physician - the best diagnosis so far is Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.
With the severity of her symptoms, the lack of concrete medical evidence of said symptoms, and the wait time for her follow up appointments, my wife is spiraling.
Since the pain in her hands is so severe, she is adamant that she cannot do her job (which involves playing a musical instrument with her typically dexterous fingers).
Now this week, we are at the first Monday, where my wife is unable to go to work. She is home while my mother-in-law’s thankfully taken care of our two-year-old daughter. We are arguing, she is highly irritable, her depression and anxiety are at an all-time high, and worse - she thinks that I don’t believe her symptoms are genuine.
How do I possibly navigate this time?
Edit: Pease let it be known that I believe my wife is suffering the things that she tells me she is suffering from. I also understand the inabilities of the American healthcare system to address problems that don’t show up on tests, let alone ones that do.
Edit 2: This post has reaffirmed for me that I am very poor at communicating my emotions. Both to my wife (only friend) and the world. Everyone seems to think I hate my wife and I regret asking this question. If this post takes me down to negative karma or something like that it will be a good excuse to finally delete Reddit.