Why is the hate around Sanctum so intense?
I know this is Reddit, and haters are gonna hate, but even by Reddit standards, the negativity around Sanctum is shocking to me.
• People complaining about the meta: What? It’s been 48 hours. The meta is using a bunch of cards that never see play (Guardians), and I’ve actually enjoyed seeing different variants and decks pop up. Yeah, you’ll run into the same decks a lot, but that happens in every event—at least this time, it’s shaking up the usual stale meta.
• The grind? With Twitch drops, you can get the three new cards in about two hours of play. Over a two-week event, that seems like amazing value. Can you get everything in the shop? No—but that’s the point. They wanted people to pick and choose. To me, that’s way better than everyone getting the same rewards. If you don’t care about cosmetics, go for cards and credits. Love emotes? Some cool ones here. Into borders? Plenty of options.
There are plenty of things to criticize about Snap, but this event doesn’t seem like one of them. This is so much better than Deadpool Diner, and I really hope they keep doing more events like this in the future.