Table Manners
I’ve had so many clients that seem to just panic and shut their brain off as soon as I bring them into my room for their intake. I go through my thing and speak slowly and clearly and reiterate everything before I leave and ask if they have any questions and half the time they act like they know exactly what to do and to just leave already, only to completely ignore everything I’ve said.
I’ve had a young man wear his beanie, glasses, necklace, shoes, t shirt AND flannel, and cross his arms over his chest laying face up to get neck and shoulder focus. That was weird af.
Another girl right now keeps her bra on which is fine but she’s like 20 something not super young and nervous. Usually after me asking if it’s ok for me to unhook their bra that first time they get it’s fine to just take it off the next time but not her lol. She also cranes her neck regardless of staring face up or face down when I knock before coming in. It’s always just me so that’s funny. She isn’t the nervous or anxious type at all or I would obviously understand.
The most annoying is when I’ve clearly repeated how to get on the table (undress, in BETWEEN the sheets) and I even turn down the corner of the covers nearest to them a little MORE in front of them to show how it’s done (overkill, right?) And I give them 3-4 minutes, knock and wait for their OK to go in and they’re either laying shirtless directly on top of the covers, with that one corner still turned down underneath them (??), or standing or sitting there shirtless saying they forgot what I said, or, my personal favorite, they have unfolded my very intentional folding of the top sheet over the blanket and the two more fold overs I always add so that there is NO QUESTION that the top sheet and blanket and one thing and stay glued together, and they are in between the blanket and top sheet. For whatever reason I refuse to fathom.
I mean my husband and I stopped using top sheets at home and we just each have our own blanket because it’s impossible to sleep under a single cover together with my husband, but how do grown adults not even understand how bedding is supposed to function? I had one hs girl ask multiple questions about it and when I said ‘underneath the top sheet,’ picked the very edge up with two fingers like it was weird to even touch and said “this… thing?”
The amount of construction workers who wear their dirty shoes on my sheets sucks. And they’re never even ‘even’ laying on the table either they’re all cattywampus diagonal with their left shoe hanging off the table in midair with the covers literally sideways and the bolster kicked out halfway under the other foot.
The IQs in this country are trending down hard if people aren’t able to make the most basic mental connections. Like no wonder people want the Dept of Education abolished and reformed when this is the thinking ability we’re dealing with 😭