If you order curbside while it's raining or snowing...(USA)

Screw you. No seriously. Screw you. And don't give me your fake pity. "Oh, I'm so sorry you have to bring out food in this weather." No, you aren't. If you truly didn't want me walking out in this weather, you wouldn't have ordered curbside. You just feel guilty and me to reassure you that you aren't horrible. You're the same as people who come in on holidays and act shocked we are working.

And a double Screw you to anyone who makes us stand in the rain so they can make sure they got enough sauces or makes us go back do another trip because you can't eat your burger without a fork.

Listen if you're going to tell me to just do my job or put the fries in the bag, don't. You aren't clever. It's not an insult and I'm tired of getting the same boring notication. Either actually think of a clever insult or go back to munching on mcnuggets.