What's your most "Oh damn, they really were just like us back then," fact?
I feel like movies and stories really do a good job at making the past not feel real lol like we're watching some alien civilisation imitate being human. What are some stories that remind you that we were the same back then as we are now?
So mine is possibly untrue, I heard it from my brother so long ago I don't remember his source. But when the Queen of Poland was marrying the Grand Duke of Lithuania the Duke would talk up his "size." Because there was no easy way to get information around accurately at the time gossip basically worked as a game of telephone, so by the time news spread back to Poland, his reported size had gotten so large it became a medical concern for her, so they actually sent a medical examiner to Vilnius to check up on that, and his final report stated, "Don't worry your excellence, not only will he not hurt you, but it's actually smaller than average!"
Again don't have a source for that one but I've always liked that story because it shows humans have always been doing the same shit throughout history lol. Also if anyone recognises this story and could say, "Oh that was Wladislaus III" or something please let me know. Or if inverse if you recognise it as a joke or fake story please let me know too because I'd like to not spread misinformation on the internet lol
But yeah what stories do you guys like because it just reminds you we've always been up to the same thing?