Ménière's or something else?

i was sick april and woke up with the room spinning sat up and it went away. went to urgent care said ear infection, probably wrong who knows. ever since then i've been dealing with off balance sensations, had slight brain fog with pasted, usually feel the floor drop out from under me real fast or like im weak in the legs or being pulled to a side. it's been like 8 months and the other night i was sick again with cold and had intense random ear pain and muffled hearing very very slightly improving. the first pic is the first night of pain 3 days later im on antibiotics and steroids. now waking up head off pillow and room spins a little this wasn't happening up recently sick. i also have some herniated discs in cervical and t spine. seen numerous drs. orthos, nuero, spine, neurosurgeon, chiro, eye, still working with ent seeking 2 and 3rd opinion. lost don't know what to do. i'm a barber and stand ten hours a day im basically symptom free if not working aside from recent hearing event and the condition of ear drum. some over stimulating stores and parades etc make me off balance as well as stress. medicated for anxiety. tried vestibular migraine meds no luck