Late 80s Mark III vs Mark V 35?

Hi all! I have been a Mesa-Boogie fan since I first started hearing M-B amps on Santana and NOFXs records as a kid.

I’ve been playing my $3k Les Paul through a Blues Deluxe Reissue that I got for $400 for the past decade. I’m interested in upgrading my amp situation with a few considerations:

  1. Needs to be loud enough to play small-midsize clubs (400ish capacity) in a punk rock band but I would also like to record with it.

  2. I live in an apartment in Chicago, so something that can be played quieter (or even through headphones) would be best.

  3. Durability - I’ve got great amp shops near me in Chicago, but eventually want to be touring. Would the Mark III be a potential money pit on tour?

  4. Combo or should I look at head/cab instead?

I know they’re versatile enough to cover any sound I realistically want or need, so no concerns there. People who have played either - if you switch guitars (I sometimes go from an burstbucker les Paul tuned half step down to a single coil Japanese strat in standard for different songs) are you able to dial in the right sound on the fly? My thought is to try and get the base settings for both written down for reference and then doing small tweaks as the room/stage may need.

Any other random reasons to favor one vs the other? Any reccs on what strip of Mark III to look at?
