What's your favorite non-metalcore song?

I gotta be honest, I'm in my punk era right now, and I've been loving

Hope by Descendents

And I don't know why I like this song so much, but I've also been listening a lot to

Bull in the Heather by Sonic Youth

Someone less lazy than me should make a Spotify Playlist of these songs! If you want..

Edit: People, I did it. I made a Spotify Playlist of every song from the parent comments except for the Chris Brown and Drake songs (cause fuck em) and the Agent 23 song which apparently isn't on Spotify. I also left off all of the full albums that were mentioned.

I'm surprised by how little I liked most of these songs on the first listen. I also feel like there are a lot more women and divorced dads in here than I would have thought. Anyway, here it is:
