How many of you would have relapsed.
So a close friend of mine is terminally sick with a very painful condition. We had been very close in our earlier years messing with drugs, pills and such. Earlier this month I went to help him move some things upstairs for him and we get to talking about old times good pharmaceuticals. Abruptly he walks over to his cabinet and tosses me a bag of 60 40mg g47 oxymorphone opanas and a few blues. I was floored at what I was looking at, apparently the dosage is too much for him and he dosent need them all and blessed me for a hour or 2 of my help. So yah I relapsed. More info im not on a high dose by any means but these things rock you right through the dose. He also dosent know im on mat or anything but knows we've got our shit together compared to our younger years.
I'm planning only indulging on occasional for a day or 2 and no where close to my pickup day at the clinic. What would you guys do knowing this will only last a short period of time and I will probably never have an opportunity to get aces to these ever again.