[H] 40k Orks, Necrons, FEC, Random AoS [W] Maggotkin Daemons, Blades of Khorne, PayPal G&S [Loc] NH US
Looking to shift out of 40k as my playgroup is AoS focused. Would love to trade for big lots. Preferred NoS. All prices are OBO.
Slann Starmaster $35 SOLD
Pontifex Zenestra $45 SOLD
Marshcrawla Sloggoth $35
Abhorrent Archregent Abhorrent Gorewarden Varghulf Courtier 20 Crypt Ghouls Terrorgheist FEC lot $150 SOLD
Boss Snikrot Warboss in Mega Armour Painboss Zodgrod Wortsnagga Ghazghkull Thraka Ork Stormboyz Ork Stormboyz Ork Gretchin Ork Gretchin Trukk Trukk Trukk ufthak blackhawk Orks lot $450
Immortals Immortals Ghost Ark Ghost Ark Chronomancer Lokhest heavy destroyer Necrons lot $ $215