Normal husband parenting
How do your husbands parent? My husband is one of 6 and says I live in a false reality as an only child regarding parenting.
We have a 25 month old and 8 month old.
He yells “shut up” to our toddler when he repeats words over and over, is having a tantrum and crying, being whiny.
He calls him kid when he’s mad at him. For example, if my toddler is using his riding horse to get onto a coffee table, he will yell “come on KID” with disgust in his voice then very firmly rip him off the table and semi-throw the horse behind a gate.
When my toddler is interested in something that my husband isn’t, like a speck on the ground and is pointing it out to my husband, he will say “I don’t care”
My husband works from home and my son loves to go into all the rooms at home. If my husband is in the bathroom and my son goes in, he will push him out and slam the door in his face. If my husband is getting changed in the bedroom and my sons gets in, he will push him out and slam the door in his face.
The other night I got so tired of all the negativity in our house that I lost it. I hold up and do the hard work to help my son regulate all day as a SAHM, while doing all the wakeups with my daughter all night, then working on bringing in income after our kids go to sleep. Within 5 minutes of my husband watching the kids there is always yelling or negativity and it gives me anxiety. Majorly. I cannot imagine how my son’s nervous system must feel.
The very first time he yelled shut up to our son was when he was a few months old and crying and wouldn’t sleep. He told me he wouldn’t remember and he would be better by the time he would remember. I fear he hasn’t changed.
Please tell me how your husbands parent and discipline. He says he will not be a second mother to our children, but I don’t find this being a father. I find it being authoritarian.
Some other examples: -Holds him down and yells at him, slams his legs down during diaper changes -Pushes his body down and pins him into car seat How would your husbands handle these situations,