Actual business to start at a young age.

Since everyone thinks a teen that try’s to start a business is just a “Tik Tok Kid” that wants to get rich quick, tell me some ideas that actually takes time to build and isn’t any bs like dropshipping, smma, affiliate marketing, or day trading.

I have set up my investment accounts already, (Roth IRA(invested), Crypto(xrp, and a few others), HYSA) My dad and I have invested in stocks since I was 14 with a TD Ameritrade Youth account. He told me about crypto and to get xrp. (He’s made stupid money with stocks and crypto) And no he won’t give me anything)

So my future retirement is set up, now I just need to build something to max those out. I’m interested in shooting sports as I compete, so I was thinking about saving up around 50k and starting one of those, the only problem is I need to find a place where it’s not saturated and actually decently popular. I’m also interested in real estate, but I need capital to start that also. (Rental Properties) Trying to come up with an idea of a monthly membership online for shooting sports but don’t think it will be popular enough. So I need to think of a great idea before I try that. people tell me to do things I’m interested in and this is it.

Don’t come on here and say some bs like, oh just another teen wanting to get rich, or that’s no gonna work. Because im actually trying to learn.