gq explain this bruh

yo Dude i need an explanation on why you have not continued the steak series like u made raw that was a banger and u made rare that was a banger too so where the hell is medium rare and medium and medium well and well done where are those tracks why havet they been released i know they exist too cus rare dropped 8 years ago and u have released songs since then so i know they up in the vault u sitting on a gold mine and u aint sharing with us also dont try lying and saying tbey dont exist because i know they do jusr please give us a status update man i want to know when the next song in the series is coming please. Ro please

yo Dude i need an explanation on why you have not continued the steak series like u made raw that was a banger and u made rare that was a banger too so where the hell is medium rare and medium and medium well and well done where are those tracks why havet they been released i know they exist too cus rare dropped 8 years ago and u have released songs since then so i know they up in the vault u sitting on a gold mine and u aint sharing with us also dont try lying and saying tbey dont exist because i know they do jusr please give us a status update man i want to know when the next song in the series is coming please. Ro please