You know it, I know it... everybody knows it.

When I was in high school, I was just a guy playing a french MMO called Dofus, all my friends were computer geeks, nerds who like to play video games and watch anime and listen to Linkin park, go to the few conventions that were organized by some facebook groups and have a good time, almost everyone in my friend circle had something in common.

Having a passion for something is important if you're young, it prevents all the bad thoughts... provides a healthy escape when you need one, nowadays we have 16 years old kids thinking about quitting school to find a job bcs somebody on social media tell them it's time to grow the fuck up, people like Simo Life and Raghib amine, internet guru's ruined an entire generation giving them false hopes, that's without even mentioning the red pill culture vs feminism space, that shit is nothing but a bunch of people circle jerking to each others, nothing more nothing less... I know it, you know it, everybody knows it.

So this post is for all people who are lost in life, sometimes you feel like you're stuck spinning in your little wheel day in and day out, do not forget that you are just an individual and you literally don't have the power to change society.. what you can do is look for answers inward, you don't need somebody telling you how to better yourself, all the answers you need are in yourself... learn to solve your own problems, fix the Rubik's cube that is your mind, You don't have a job ? Study welll and get a job.... you didn't find a job ? make yourself a job... maybe a job is not what you want, maybe you have a thing for art or music, Fight for it.

And lastly, if you're under the age of 30, Go have some fun... Great ideas come when you're in a good fucking mood, you can't keep going through life if your mind is broken.


and for the love of all that is sacred don't smoke cigarettes or do drugs.