Aside from avoiding periods, avoiding child birth, gaining more physical strength, social issues, and sexual orientation that suits being a man more, why would anyone want to physically be a man?
Funnily, the only thing out of the physical three I do not want are periods. It is one of my dreams to give birth to children one day. I actually prefer being weaker as there is less overall tension in my body, more soft and elegant appearance, and feels more relaxed. Even not wanting periods, I would take them over just not having only one of the other two. Not counting the other one not taken and numerous other things to being a woman like a superior look, having breasts which are beautiful and feel great to have, not having external genitals, a longer lifespan from less damage from blood contents, no disgusting facial or chest hair, no awkward looking and feeling Adam’s apple, actual body figures rather than simply a utility look, having body fat in the hips and breasts instead which enhances appearance rather than take away from it and also feels more comfortable, back to back orgasms that feel way more intense, softer body overall, possibly to be beautiful a I view all men who don’t look like women as ugly while most women not ugly with a few beautiful ones and only a large amount of ugly ones rather than all of even a majority, and feeling one’s bones more from sitting and laying down due to fat distribution and muscle makeup. Only positive of being a man from my perspective aside from no periods as a trans woman is voice which can sound great. But, the best possible voice is a woman’s voice and I definitely feel it fits me more.
No dig at trans men. I fully respect them and label them men the same way I label cis men. I just won’t ever understand them and why they would ever want a man’s body. My guess thinking that it is the same perception as mine except reversed which I would definitely sympathize. They probably consider women’s genitals an abomination the same way I consider male genitals which I fully respect. Then again, I bear a little grudge with them for not taking my genitals and for taking the ones mean’t for me.
Being a man feels more ridiculous to me than how most cis men feel about being turned into women. Then again, I would definitely prefer to be treated the same as I am now over women’s treatment. Especially sexual orientation as I am absolutely repulsed by men’s bodies. I’m a full on lesbian. I’ve seen some gay men pretend to be the opposite sex or be trans women just to have a better chance at having sex with other men.