Where to put the arms?

Similar to the feet wrapped/unwrapped question from the other day, what is everyone's preference on where best to put the arms when being mummified?

My preference is to have the hands tied behind the back. When I'm mummified, it feels the most secure and tight and makes me feel the most helpless. I like having my fists wrapped so there's no chance I can poke through the plastic and try and escape. It's also easier for me to roll around onto my sides and back, which means I can shift the weight and pressure around and stay mummified for longer. The longest I've gone is around 3 hours. Managed to doze off and everything. The down side is I can't stay on my back for too long, as my arms will start to fall asleep, but that hasn't bothered me personally.

The second reason I prefer that is I like the way it looks visually compared to seeing the arms at the sides or across the chest.

Anyone else?