My parents and my older brother are pissed off with me for going solo travelling
Assalamu alaikum I’m 24M and I just went solo travelling for a week. I have just came back 2 days ago and my brother is pissed off with me and doesn’t want to talk to me. Also my parents are annoyed with me because I went abroad by myself. They have said that I am disobedient and said I have a selfish mindset, even though at first they were first reluctant for me to go solo travelling but then said okay. I don’t know if I am missing something but they have not asked me about how I spent my time or anything when previously when any of us went abroad we always want to know what happened. It feels like they are giving me the silent treatment. From my perspective of solo travelling I felt that I have learnt more about the world and myself from both a general and Islamic perspective but it seems like they do not want to listen. It also seems like they are more angry as well since I have come back. My dad has said he is looking for potential suitors for me and honestly I am not interested in getting married now and want to follow my passion of travelling and exploring the world as Allah has mentioned we should travel to see the wonders that Allah has created. Any advise on what I should do?