Why Islam is the True Religion (Must Read)
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,If anything I say is incorrect, may Allah forgive me, and please feel free to correct me, We all grapple with deep questions, Why are we here? What is our purpose? What happens after death? At some point, we all ponder these matters, It’s not just about religion, it’s a comprehensive way of life that guides us in everything, from our belief in God to our daily interactions with others, many people are in search of the truth, Some turn to science, others to philosophy, and many to religion But how can we be sure we’ve found the right path, if we’ve found one at all? Why should we embrace Islam?
Islam's Concept of God
One of the greatest evidences for Islam is the idea of God, Islam conveys that God is one and only, and He is perfect, eternal, and above all human limitations, This is the belief known as Tawheed (Oneness of God).
In most religions, God is confusing, Some equate God as three in one (such as the Trinity in Christianity), others say God is in the form of idols or statues, Some even have the belief that God is part of the universe or within humans, But intuitively, doesn't it make sense that the real God must be One and beyond human like attributes?
What does Islam have to say regarding God?
The Quran uses a straightforward but powerful description to tell us of God:
"It is He Allah, the One. Allah the Eternal Refuge: He begetteth not, nor is begotten; nor is there like unto Him." (Quran 112:1-4)
(1) God is One – No wife, no husband, no pluralities…
(2) God is Eternal – He does not die or feel fatigue. (3) God is nothing like we are, He is not human, nor does He take on human form.
This is a natural concept and perfect sense, It conforms to our own inherent faith that the Creator must be One and Supreme….
The Quran ( A Book Like No Other)
If Islam is true, then its sacred book, the Quran, should be unique and miraculous And that is precisely what we do find, The Quran is the best read, best memorized and best preserved book in human history, But what is it that differentiates it?
(1) The Quran Has Never Changed
All books of religion prior to the Quran have been modified throughout history, The Bible, for instance, has thousands of variations, where various modifications have been made by humans, But the Quran remained word for word for more than 1400 years, It is read even today exactly as it was sent down…
God says in the Quran:
"Indeed, it is We who sent down the Quran, and indeed, We will be its guardian." (Quran 15:9)
Even non-Muslim scholars concur that the Quran never changed, No human could have guaranteed this, which confirms it is really from God….
(2) The Quran Had Scientific Facts Prior to Science Discovering Them
The Quran disclosed scientific facts that were not known at the time, confirming its divine origin.
some examples:
(1) The Expanding Universe- The Quran said the universe is expanding (Quran 51:47), which was only known by recent science in the 20th century.
(2) Embryology - The Quran tells of how a child grows inside the womb in great detail (Quran 23:12-14) facts that were only verified using microscopes centuries later…
(3) Mountains as Pegs - The Quran tells us how mountains extend their roots deep (Quran 78:6-7), a thing geologists figured out centuries later…
How would an illiterate desert man have known these things? The Quran has to be from God….
The Quran is Inimitable (Can't Be Copied)
The Quran invites people to challenge:
"If you are in doubt about what We have revealed to Our servant, then produce a chapter like it…" (Quran 2:23)
No one has been able to come up with anything similar to the Quran in its language, depth, and wisdom, even the most powerful poets of Arabia during that period….
The Life of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) (A True Messenger)
If Islam is the real religion, then its messenger, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), must also be a real prophe…
(1) He was called "Al-Ameen" (The Trustworthy) even prior to receiving revelation, Even his enemies trusted him…
(2) He never told a lie, not prior to prophethood, and not subsequently…
(3) He was illiterate, yet he transmitted a book (the Quran) that transformed the world…
(4) He issued prophecies that were fulfilled, such as the fall of the Persian Empire….
(5) He never craved wealth or authority, he lived modestly and dedicated his life to serving others.
Even non-Muslim writers concede that Prophet Muhammad was among the most influential and genuine individuals in history…
Islam is the Natural Religion (Fitrah)
Have you noticed how children in themselves are apt to believe in one God until they are educated otherwise? This is because Islam holds that human beings are all born with Fitrah, this innate inclination towards belief in the One Creator…
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) has said:
"Every child is born upon the fitrah (natural belief in one God), but his parents make him a Jew, Christian, or Magian." (Sahih Bukhari)
This implies that Islam is not a religion, it is the way of life by nature, People deviate from it only due to societal and cultural pressures…
Islam Has an Integrated Way of Life
While other religions only focus on worship, Islam teaches every aspect of life, including
(1) How to treat one's parents and family
(2) How to do business honestly
(3) How to dress, eat, and be clean (4) How to handle stress, sadness, and success
Islam makes life peaceful because it provides clear, down-to-earth guidelines that are good for individuals and society.
Islam is the World's Fastest-Growing Religion
In spite of all the bad press, Islam is the world's fastest-growing religion, Why? Because when people study Islam, they discover the truth…
Individuals from every background such as Christians, atheists, Hindus are embracing Islam due to its rational principles, Even those who used to criticize Islam in the past, upon reading the Quran, have accepted it…
If Islam is not the truth, then why would millions of individuals including scientists and scholars believe in it?
Seek the Truth with an Open Heart
If you are looking for the truth, don't believe everything the media tells you, Read the Quran yourself, Ask God (Allah) sincerely-
"O Allah, if Islam is the truth, then guide me to it."
If you are sincere in your search, Allah will open your heart, The truth is clear for those who seek it….
Islam is more than a religion, it's the natural path of life, the only route that brings us close to our Creator…
Please Allah lead us all to truth Insha Allah Ameen. Rest Allah knows best….