Husband does not care if I cry

Salam aleykum, i write this while sobbing in my bed. My intention is to see if anyone has insight or advice for me in this situation. So I am married and pregnant. We are married and living together for a short amount of time. I will come to the point; the problem is that we cant handle conflicts together. For example; my husband has been 'joking' about how he will only have eye for his daughter when she is born and how our daughter is gonna love him more and is always gonna choose him above me. He sent me reels on Instagram about babies not wanting to hug the mother and only want to be with the father... These 'jokes' hurt me because I don't want any kind of rivalry and idk it just hurts. Anyway I was feeling down because I saw another video he liked about this exact thing. He saw that I was down and asked what was wrong while watching tv. So it confused me if he was honestly interested because his body language didn't show that. When I explained, he got frustrated and said things like ' why are you always bringing up nonsense' 'you always have to argue and bring up something out of nothing' 'why dont you wait with talking about this, why in the evening??!!' 'i go to sleep bye'. I cried because I did not feel heard and he does not care are all. He just goes to sleep peacefully. We just cant have proper talks about feelings or misunderstandings. It always has to end in heated discussions where he is so full of himself saying 'you always start these discussions!' 'I have never seen something like your behaviour before'. I am pregnant and the whole pregnancy long he has been like this. He does not care if I cry myself to sleep, he just ignores me. He doesn't consider that I am more sensitive in this stage even though he knows about it. He knows that this is not good for the baby but he doesn't act upon it. I dont know if I can live this for the rest of my life, I dont want this for myself. I need softness, communication and empathy because that is what I also want to offer and always want to improve. But like this I just cant be the best version of myself.

At this moment i cant stop crying. My husband left our bedroom and is now sleeping peacefully in the living room. And this makes me even more sad