How a wife should treat her husband- In every expect of life….
I’m a 22 year old male who is not yet married and I want to share my thoughts on how a wife should treat her husband with love, honor, and respect, I can be mistaken As a man, I can only attempt to grasp a woman’s perspective, but I will never fully understand what it means to be a wife, Each person is unique and everyone situation is different because Allah has created us all in our own way, Some of what I say may not resonate with everyone, and that’s perfectly fine, If anyone feel something should be corrected or added, please let me know Alhumdullilah
Now, regarding marriage, Islam views it as more than just a contract, it is a sacred trust, It’s not a competition, it’s about complementing one another.
Allah says in the Quran: “They are a garment for you, and you are a garment for them.” (Quran 2:187) Consider this, A garment protects you, provides comfort, and conceals your flaws,This is how a husband and wife should be for each other not perfect but protective.
Be a Source of Peace, Not Stress A man faces challenges every day work pressure, responsibilities, and societal expectations, His home should not be another battlefield. A wife has the ability to create a peaceful environment Even the Prophet ﷺ, the greatest man to ever live, found solace in his wives, When he was troubled, he turned to Khadijah (RA) And what did she do? She didn’t criticize or dismiss his concerns, she offered reassurance, A good wife doesn’t always have to agree, but she should make her husband feel safe, supported, and respected, A single kind word, a patient ear, or a warm hug can make all the difference.
Speak with Respect and Love, The way a wife communicates with her husband carries significant weight, Words have the power to heal or harm, Even during disagreements, maintaining respect is crucial, The Prophet ﷺ never insulted or belittled his wives, even in moments of conflict, If a husband makes a mistake, it’s important to correct him gently and wisely, If he’s facing challenges, offer encouragement, A woman’s words can either uplift a man toward success or undermine his confidence, Comparing husbands to others can make them feel inadequate, which is not an expression of love, A man needs to feel that his wife believes in him.
Appreciate His Efforts Many men may not express their feelings openly, They might not always articulate what’s in their hearts, but they do feel deeply, Sometimes, they work long hours not out of a love for money, but to provide for their families, A good wife recognizes and appreciates his efforts, A simple JazakAllah Khair, a smile, or a word of encouragement can mean more than expensive gifts.
The Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever does not thank people has not thanked Allah.” (Abu Dawood) A husband is human too, he wants to feel valued, He may not voice it, but he needs that acknowledgment.
Pls Don’t Compete instead Complete Each Other Many marriages struggle because they turn into a power struggle, Who does more? Who sacrifices more? However, marriage is not a competition, it’s a partnership, If a husband is fulfilling his responsibilities, a wife should also do her part, If he is being unfair, she has every right to voice her concerns But not every situation needs to escalate into a conflict, The wives of the Prophet ﷺ were strong and intelligent, yet they understood when to support and when to offer advice, They never sought to control him, nor did they allow themselves to be mistreated, They achieved a harmonious balance.
Respect His Leadership But Know Your Rights , In Islam the husband is seen as the leader of the household but this leadership should not resemble a dictatorship, A respectful wife acknowledges her husband's role, while a good husband values his wife's opinions, consults her on decisions, and treats her as an equal partner, The Prophet ﷺ often sought the counsel of his wives on significant issues, During the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, when his companions were discontented and resistant, it was Umm Salama (RA) who provided the most insightful advice, He heeded her words, leading to a resolution of the situation, A wise woman understands when to voice her thoughts, when to offer guidance, and when to trust her husband's decisions, Her strength lies in her wisdom, not in submission, However, a wife is not to be treated as a servant, If her husband becomes oppressive, she has every right to assert herself, Islam empowers women to stand up for their dignity rather than endure hardship in silence..
Keep the Spark Alive, While a man may not always express it, he longs to feel cherished by his wife. Just as a wife seeks affection, so does a husband, Islam encourages love and romance within marriage, The Prophet ﷺ would engage in playful races with Aisha (RA), affectionately calling her by sweet names and ensuring she felt valued, A woman should openly show her love for her husband, making it clear that he is important to her, not just as a provider but as a person, Likewise, a husband must also put in the effort, Patience and Sabr is must , No marriage is without its challenges, There will be arguments, disappointments, and misunderstandings, However, a righteous wife does not give up easily. She prays for her husband, seeks to mend things, and chooses patience when it is needed, A woman should never tolerate abuse, but minor disagreements shouldn’t lead her to consider divorce right away, Marriage requires effort.
Allah says in the Quran: “If you dislike them, it may be that you dislike something in which Allah has placed much good.” (Quran 4:19)
Sometimes, we fail to recognize the value of what we have, At the end of the day, no one is perfect, not the husband, not the wife, We are all human and make mistakes, A strong marriage is built on effort, understanding, and, most importantly, the fear of Allah, If a husband is at fault, he should work on himself, If a wife is at fault, she should correct her actions, Blaming each other will not lead to solutions. May Allah bless every husband and wife with love, mercy, and understanding and fill their hearts with patience and their homes with peace and guide men to be strong and kind, and women to be wise and loving And for those still waiting, may Allah grant them righteous spouses who bring them closer to Him Insha Allah Ameen.