Someone talk me out of a Wolfman
I have found myself in a pinch. I’m In the market for my second can (#1 being a DA mask), I’m already very aware that cal./ application dedicated can(s) are the way to go for maximum performance, and that a “do all” can will likely leave me wanting more.
That being said, my applications are limited now, and for the foreseeable future. I’m looking for a can that will spend almost all of its time on an 8.5” 300blk, ar pistol, and occasionally throwing it on 12.5-16” 5.56 uppers, something that draws me toward the Wolfman is the opportunity to use on 9mm pcc(that I don’t have yet)
I’m not a true hater, but I do have hesitation supporting dead air after the sierra5 deal.
I found the Wolfman for sale for 730$ and I need someone to tell me to just send it, or provide an alternative that would be more worth while
I’m a big fan of what I see from rugged, and specifically the surge x, but the favor the Wolfman for its ability to accept 9mm
Please help, my brain hurts from hours of forms, YouTube, and pew science