All the problems with Pokémon Legends: Z - A so far

  1. Have you seen the graphics? After that nightmare Scarlet and Violet was, they can't show a game with the same engine with polygons in the models, 2D PIXELATED balconies (even S/V had those in 2D), crappy lighting, people's shadows that are two pixels and crappy textures. It's HORRID. Silent Hill 3 unironically looks better. Don't make the "we have gone from pixels" excuse, 'cause even Final Fantasy started with pixels, but guess what? It just adapted to the current times.

    1. Why does the city look so empty? The whole concept of "wild zones" is BS: you have to contribute building a city where people and Pokémon live in harmony, even the trailer starts like this... Then, a Pyroar casually uses Flamethrower in a park without even burning the grass AND NOBODY IS WATCHING. Same thing with Mega Kangaskhan casually going Stomping Tantrum against a Garbodor en plain air near a building when it's deserted around. It's nonsensical, and I'd like to hope it's just an early thing, but knowing GF, might as well be in vain. The city looks soulless: it's like if The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Boblins came in a village and everything was empty.

Game Freak is INCOMPETENT. After 3 years and half of development, THIS IS ALL THEY SHOW. There should be at least somebody like Monolith Soft helping them out, since they can't actually make such things look good, it's just a lack of competence and capability to admit their limits. I'm already losing every hope I had for Z - A. The only thing good I see is the combat system.