Kai yadoya vs kakodoken Fugetsu.
Fugetsu strolls throughout the city, eyeing it's disheveled and destroyed apperance, before dodging a familiar six-blasts attack. Kai's scylla. Fugetsu turns around, eyeing the boy, before closing his eyes, speaking... "im out of your leauge kid." "go find someone else to fight." kai responded: "hasnt stopped me before." Fugetsu smiles before speaking again: "you've got guts, but lets see if you have the stones to back it up." Fugetsu dashes at kai, blinding speeds making the wind change directions before nailing kai in the face with a punch. kai goes flying through multiple structures, before halting to an abrupt stop. kai widens his eyes and uses medusa. slowing fugetsu and allowing kai to land a solid 6 piece chicken nugget combo, no beverages, no condiments on fugetsu. slamming him into the wall after. Kakodoken slams the ground, sending a wave of cursed energy outward toward kai, breaking his energy down, then causing it to explode, sending kai into a streetlamp, and dodging an incoming attack from fugetsu, and running. fugetsu gives chase and immediately begins throwing haymakers at kai. kai weaves and dodges before sweeping fugetsu's legs and attempting to punch his guts, before fugetsu alter's kais perception. luckily, despite kai's altered perception, he had just the technique. he activated python. Kai's view into the future was unaltered, allowing him to dodge all of fugetsu's attacks despite being confused. Fugetsu, impressed decides to get a little serious. he picks up a large pole and increases its value and power to match that of a cursed tool, reminiscient of an oc on our fair subreddit. Fugetsu then uses it to damage and bypass python with its infused power. and finally nails kai in the stomach, sparks of black flying everywhere.
kai, on his back, uses the tenuessian fox. and just before fugetsu uses another attack, kai instantly appears infront of him and uppercuts him before releasing his domain. Fugetsu: "what is this-?" Kai: "Ill give you a few challenges to choose from." kai announcing how his technique works. Fugetsu, unknowing of the function simply responds with typhon. Typhon a swirling pool of harmful power flies toward fugetsu before holding him in place, and allowing kai to shoot 120% Scylla, Skylla (skylla is another alias of skylla) the blasts become larger, and larger until it blows up the entire domain. Fugetsu. not one to give up uses Prohibition wave, stopping typhons effects. and nails kai in the face while he was off guard. Kakodoken fugetsu finally uses, his domain expansion kai almost instantly falls to his knees in defeat, and fugetsu finishes what he started.
Fugetsu wins.