I am just normal pretty..not pretty pretty..
I've realised that I am not really that good looking to attract good looking boys and no one really had a crush on me I am just normal pretty, pretty for friends to say (or they're lieing) I may attract glances(cuz I am nepali living on India and I maybe look different) my whole life people considered me ugly i remember one boy i didn't even know told me "you look like a pig" (I was underweight ) he said that to me when I was 12 now I am allmost 20 and still can't forgive his words even though he isn't even in my life he doesn't even matter to me I just don't know.. why I hear his words whenever I feel good or pretty it's like his words r built inside my brain and it keeps repeating.Is there like some tips to glow up bcz honestly I don't need sympathy I just need some tips