Feeling jealous of a coworkers life

Throwaway account. Just ranting/venting here as Im feeling very jealous of one of my coworkers life right now.

I(33F) have been working at my current company for about 3 years now and I'm doing well. Earning good money, leading a team and overall, happy personally. Atleast I thought I was until last night.

So my co-worker(32F) joined my company and team last year and she is a good colleague to have. Smart, dedicated, does good work, no issues as such and to top it off, is always a happy, positive person.

I asked her about it and she says that her husband is awesome, he has WFH and earns decently so he just manages home allowing her to focus on her job and passion, making desserts whenever free, so she feels kinda relaxed and is able to give her best. He also comes to pick her up from office, no matter the time, everyday, without fail.

Well, it was her birthday recently and she said there was a party organized by them for our team at their house so we all went there after work.

She always said that she lives close by and has no idea about rent and stuff because again, husband looks after it but yesterday, we found out that she stays literally 10 minutes away and has a great 2bhk in the heart of city.

All of us are there and are finally meeting her husband as well and he looks just vaguely familiar but I cant really place him until I look at the wall where they have all of their photos.

Why am I worked up after the photos? Welllll, in 2020, in my old company, just before covid starts, a guy approaches me saying he finds me attractive, would like to get to know me further and see if we can date. He is overweight, has a french beard that makes him look atleast 10 years older and Im not really attracted to him so I turn him down. He says, okay, no problem and its the end of that. Like two simple adults, we just move on with our lives.

Guess who is my coworkers husband? Yeah, that guy. But now, he is completely changed. I can see through the photos that after the finalization of their marriage about 3 years back, there is gradual weight loss, better grooming and every picture shows genuine smiles and love in both of their faces.

I keep my composure and he seems to have no reaction to my presence at all, infact, treating me well, talking nicely and politely. all my coworkers are meeting him for the first time so all questions of what does he do? How this house? Etc

He says that he got a WFH job working for an international company after finding some security issues so he is paid well(2-2.5cr pa) and this flat(he had no idea it even existed because he and his family stayed in another flat somewhere else)was basically given as a gift to him by his parents, as their only child, after his wedding because they retired around the same time and are going back to their village. He also acknowledged that he is incredibly priviledged because he knows that this was his parents foresight and their support for his education and his wife for being simple person who just wants to work and make icecream so he doesnt stress about anything, just focuses on his job, continuing to save his salary for their future and goes out every weekend with his wife to keep a healthy balance.

After knowing all this, I came home and felt incredibly sad. And maybe thats where this jealousyis coming from. This could have been my life. A good partner, no stress of finances and a life that actually feels worth it. Only if I had chosen to look beyond his superficiality.

End Rant.

TL:DR : A guy I rejected is now married to my coworker and they are both madly in love, have well paying jobs, living in a house thats in the centre of the city and are building a future together that I envision myself having.