Assumptions we can make after 1116

Apologies if a similar thread has been made but just thought it would be good to collate all the info we now kind of know based on chapter 1116.

1.)Joyboy had Luffy's fruit - this should have been obvious when Luffy awakened his fruit and Zunesha mentioned Joyboy's return. But we now pretty much know for sure

2.)The D clan are Joyboy's allies - Imu mentions the D clan were enemies of the original 20 kingdoms, and in chapter 1115 we now know Joyboy battled against them as well.. it seems logical to presume the D clan were on Joyboys side due to sharing a common enemy. Possibly crewmates (since Joyboy was the 1st pirate) or followers

3.)The void century has a direct link to the current events - the Celestials get treated above regular civilians/protected by the marines because they are descendants of the original 20 kings that founded the WG, Imu is currently looking for Vivi due to her link to Lili, members of the D clan die smiling (maybe due to being followers of Joyboy?)

4.)Imu doesn't want the world to know the ideals of Joyboy or the original 20 - we know that the government have been trying to hide the void century for many years now, but we don't know why. Based on the information that's been revealed we know the war was caused by conflicting ideals. If enough people knew what Joyboy and the D. Clan stood for, there's a chance it could lead to anarchy (again), so, Imu's relatively calm demeanour at present could be due to the ideals which caused the war still being a mystery

5.)The One piece is the "truth" about the Void Century & is "subjectivity" funny - for a long time we thought it was a monetary treasure but with Vegapunks reveal this is looking less likely to be the case. The One Piece is probably information on the Void Century left behind by Joyboy in some form

Anyways looks like we're edging ever closer to the end-game, Eggheads been 1 of the best arcs yet in my opinion!

Edit: so what does it mean when a post gets over 250 shares but 40 upvotes? 😳(big thanks to those that upvoted by the way!)

Edit(2): someone mentioned Oda said the One Piece is something tangible? Either way, we now know that whoever discovers it also discovers the secrets of the void century which is what Roger probably wanted to encourage people to find