Is there anything inherently wrong with taking Oxy?
I think we are all hedonistic by nature, everybody is chasing some type of high. Whether it’s work, going to the gym, running marathons, everybody is chasing the chemicals in their brain that make you feel good. Granted, popping pills is a shortcut, you don’t have to work for that rewarding feeling. I also did not start taking drugs until I had established myself professionally as a lawyer, bought a house, started a family etc. But, I did end up getting massively dependent, they did cause issues, and I eventually had to go to detox . so I certainly understand how the consequences outweigh the rewards. I’m not trying to say that there are not plenty of reasons to abstain. But, since I don’t think there is anything inherently awful about drug use, I always end up losing the motivation to stay sober, long-term. Primarily,it’s the toll that drug use has on our lives, that justifies sobriety. At the same time, I feel like if you can use responsibly, it’s not the worst thing in the world