Protection from demons
I recently had an experience with a demon in which I was fighting for what seemed my soul. I’ve struggled with demonic entities for a while and for some reason I can’t get rid of them for good. This one in particular had been attempting to get at me for the past few weeks. giving me nightmares, tapping at my window, etc. well tonight something happened that I could shake. I was in partially awake when my ears started to ring/roar super loudly. And suddenly I was pinned, I couldn’t move my arms or open my mouth. Suddenly I felt an insane pressure on my chest as if something was being pulled out of me. I fought so hard and tried to pray and rebuke it but I couldn’t open my mouth. I continued to rebuke in my mind but it continued until I finally was able to open my mouth and rebuke. This happened only 15 minutes after I rebuked it and called upon the archangel Michael. Please tell me how I should deal with this, and please pray for me brothers and sisters.