I traded my first plushies!!!❤️

I was running around Bahari collecting resources when a lovely player asked if anyone had 2 regular chapaa plushies to trade for a proudhorn and bluebristle plushie. This was a very generous offer. With the horrible RNG luck I have obtaining plushies I was willing to trade my only 2 chapaa plushies for the proudhorn and bluebristle because in my head I figure they're harder to get. I said I would trade mine with him and we friended each other. Just a few moments later I made my first ever plushie trade and got this proudhorn and bluebristle plushie! I'm so happy and they look adorable! I pray I start seeing more in my collection soon. PLEASE RNG I BEG OF YOU!!!🙏🙏

--and if the person who traded with me sees this, thank you again!

My new plushies! Plus my other little sernuks peeking through in the back😂