
I was hunting non stop on my own since this released last week but each day there wasnt nothing. I used at least 15-20 lures and only seen around 5 rtb max, so today I decided to only use a buzzy jar instead...

I seen the icon pop up and ran to it, it was a rtb that showed up in someone's lure, now I NEVER join in without asking but this time I just waited until the two others hit it to make sure they definitely got it because after all it wasnt my lure.

I got SO LUCKY, that was it. I thanked the person and apologised for not asking beforehand but I wouldn't of had time and the person was so nice about it. Thank you sm to that person!

Guys, I hope you all have luck like this! I definitely do not recommend hunting this plushie solo(I am a solo player), you'll more than likely have better luck with a few others.

I'm SO HAPPY! Good luck to everyone who has yet to receive one! Now to try and hunt my magic sernuk and muujin ones next :(