“Gentle” parenting gone too far?
I was having conversation with a mom about her 5 year old daughter. She was talking about how their 1 yr old puppy chews on anything left laying around, causing many beloved toys to be picked up. She said that it’s difficult to get the child to pick up the toys even being asked multiple times and that she can’t keep going around doing it for her. So i said you don’t just tell her that if she doesn’t pick up her things that the dog might eat it and maybe after a few lost toys she’d get it? And she was like no that’s not the gentle parenting i subscribe too. When I asked why she said “natural consequences can be traumatic to children.” So on earth are they supposed to learn? How do we expect growth with this sort of mentality?
Ok but you’re complaining that you’re always tired and you’re complaining that you’re picking up after your kid cause she chooses not to pick up her toys… why would she? You do it for her. If i ignore mommy, i don’t have to pick up my toys, she will do it. I mean please if my partner told me to get move my laundry along and i don’t and eventually they do it for me, why on earth will i make the effort next time? And i’m an adult. So a kid is going to be even more less bothered.
Why are we so far gone with not wanting to traumatize kids that we as parents are going above and beyond to make sure that they never experience a moment of discomfort? I never picked up after my daughter if i already asked her to pick it up. And if i did it was always, “these toys are going to be mine if i pick it up. You can earn them back when you show me you care about the stuff that’s yours.” After a few lost or broken toys, she learned quick. And i always told her “hey you need to pick up X because they might get lost or broken and I’m not replacing it if it is.” If that is traumatic then we are so screwed for the outcome of these children.