Losing XP on death is Losing my interest.
I play gemling merc, there is no good builds unless you exploit heralds or shockburst or use non xbow weapons. It's pretty dry and its pretty weak at bossing. I can faceroll t16 maps and breaches, but when it comes to pinnacle bosses, its just a shit show. I got so bored of maps I decided to do some bosses and it was just 1 shot after 1 shot even with 5k hp. I dont have a 500 divine build, currency just isn't dropping. So it's like I just want to experience some sense of progression and a challenge, but the only 2 options are afk maps because they are so easy, or get 1 shot by bosses that are impossible to beat without 10 million dps+.
Wanted to beat a boss, ended up dying 5 times, the dps just isnt there, lost about 4 days worth of playtime of XP. TLDR wanted to experience a sense of progression, got the exact opposite. I guess for the next 500 hours while I get to level 100 I will have to avoid all boss fights and anything that might get me killed. Other people said it best, if you make a system to punish players, people will avoid punishment. Basically just cant enjoy other content in the game because it might ruin your progression. Very lame.