A suggestion for Flicker Strike


Flicker Strike has been a historically beloved skill in PoE 1, to an extend that there is somewhat of a Flicker Strike cult - ahem - community that has formed over the years. POE 2 also has Flicker Strike available, but it works fundamentally different.

In POE 1, Flicker Strike has a cooldown which you can surpass by consuming frenzy charges. Those frenzy charges can be generated in various different ways, and one of the challenges when building a flicker strike character is, to sustain frenzy charges while flickering across the land.

In POE 2, flicker strike consumes power charges. Flicker strike has no cooldown here, so you can technically use it without having power charges, but it is very weak when doing so. Flicker Strike in POE 2 also has this one little line that says: "You can not gain power charges while using this skill." So in POE 2, we have to find a way to generate power charges to be able to use flicker strike efficiently. I won't get into details on how to do that, but there are various different ways to do so.

Flicker strike feels fine in POE 2, but me and I assume many other flicker enthusiasts feel, as if the idea of what flicker strike is supposed to be has been flipped. The most fun part about flicker strike has always been mapping. Flying through monsters at light speed, essentially having your character be a chaining projectile and having absolutely no controll of what will happen to you after you pressed the button is the essence of flicker strike. It has always been a bit of a meme, it has always been known to be a "jesus take the wheel" build where you just end up randomly dying because you accidentally flickered into a pack of porcupines but it has also always been a very fun build that allows you to scale it to absurd power levels where you would obliterate maps and bosses alike.

In POE 2, flicker strike works a bit like an "ultimate ability". You generate charges, you spend them to flicker, you generate charges again, you spend them again and so on. This playstyle feels okay in maps, and it feels pretty good on bosses since flicker has quite the large burst potential, but I can not help but feel like it should be the other way around.

My suggestion is, to have flicker strike generate power charges to then be able to spend those charges on big, high hitting abilities. I know that GGG wants to move away from one button builds, and being able to clear the map by permanently flicker striking would certainly be a bit of a one button build, but I think a part of the flicker strike identity has been lost by making it more of a calculated skill rather than a chaotic "it's either me or you who dies today" sort of thing.

Anyways, I am rambling, so long story short: Make flicker strike generate charges instead of consuming them so that me and my brothers and sisters of the school of the flicker strike can fly again.