How do I get someone to trade with me?

Uber noob here, just got to lvl 75 on my homebrew 2H Mace Titan. It's been slow going and I think I need to start trading to try and keep progressing. I've been saving my pennies and I'm trying to buy a new weapon. I've messaged well over 100 people and I only got 1 reply "wrong price".

I'm using the trade site to send the auto-generated direct message asking to buy the item at the listed price. Why is nobody even replying to me?

I always give people 10mins to reply before messaging someone new. My capital has gone up considerably since I started looking so I'm now trying to buy items in the 50 exalted range. I know that's chump change to most people but I just don't understand why items are listed if they aren't interested in being sold.

I thought it might have something to do with being a weapon maybe so I've tried to buy items on other slots too. No replies for any of those either.

What am I doing wrong? Am I just that much of a pauper and 50 exalteds isn't worth anyone's time to even stop what they are doing? If so, what can I do to actually get an upgrade? Do I just keep playing unintentional SSF?

Edit: I bought something! Thank you for your help. Finally have boots with more than 20% move speed.