Workout app recommendations?
So, I’ve been using the SWEAT app on and off for years now, and very recently got back into it with a vengeance.
But I had a moment of realization when this recent controversy about Kayla Itsines came out a couple days ago (the morning coffee video circulating on tiktok). I realized that I was kind of choosing to ignore a lot of the icky feelings about her app/her beliefs etc (especially stuff surrounding body image and food, etc).
Anyways! Long story short, I’m looking at exploring other fitness apps. But I’m looking for one that has certain features:
- low impact options
- ability to substitute movements
- dumbbell only option (my equipment and space is very limited)
And it’d be great if it was a female trainer and one who isn’t about restricting eating or hyper-focused on body image, etc.
Any recommendations would be super appreciated!!