new kitten not eating

hey everyone, hoping someone has gone through a similar experience and has some advice. 6 days ago I brought home an 8 week old kitten I named Honeydew. She is the sweetest little thing and super affectionate. She loves people and happily curls up on my chest for some pets and a nap. Everything about her has been perfect so far, except she barely eats.

The people I got her from were feeding her royal canin kitten food (both wet and dry) so I continued feeding her this the first few days. However, I noticed she wasn't really eating much, only ever a few bites at mealtimes. She is fed 4 times a day and small portions but she has barely any interest in the food and sometimes won't eat any of it. I've tried a few different types of wet food in different flavours and types but nothing seems to catch her interest. She was at the vet 4 days ago for a checkup and some vaccinations and was given a clean bill of health. the vet wasn't worried about her eating habits but I still am. How is she supposed to be getting the nutrients she needs if she only eats a few bites a day?

I've tried feeding her in different types of dishes, different food temperatures, giving her company or leaving her alone, moving the food bowl to different locations, yet nothing seems to help. the only food she's been genuinely excited about was some purebites shrimp treats, but this obviously is not an appropriate meal.

Any advice on what else I can try? has anyone else gone through a similar situation and still had their cat grow up healthy?