the game is not fun anymore.

before anyone comes at me, I absolutely love the game been playing it since I was 4 but now it's not fun anymore. back then ppl had all the same guns n stuff but some were more upgraded than others so yk there were pros n noobs but even the pros were beatable, now, if u see the whole video u can see ppl killing me as soon as I respawn, people flying, aim bots n u can see me pointing at players that's js me pointing out how many ppl join the games but don't even play which is so annoying, also it's only annoying bc a lot of stuff in the game u have to pay w irl money, like for example to get tickets to unlock the pixel pass, u get like 15 tickets once in a while for doing tasks while other ppl js spend £10 on it n now they've got all the good guns, I js wish the game it back to how it used to be, ppl actually active, playing games n having fun (side note: a lot of ppl now only play death match, I barely see anyone on team fights anymore, flag capture u barely get a fair game w ppl acc playing and no one plays point capture, duel and team strike which I used to like them a lot)