The servers are back!
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I got the online status back like 4 hours ago and then it went away after a while. Not back until their server status says all good
\nNo, they're not.
\nDelete this bruh
\nIt's too late for me to farm ducats anyway. Sony's lucky my man baro is here till sunday.
\nHello, Tenno
\nOh god dammit I forgot he was here. Hopefully he doesn\u2019t have anything good.
\nPrimed Cryo Rounds and the shotgun equivalent are the only real must buys imo.
\nDon\u2019t get your hopes up too much, I had the same situation and now it\u2019s back to no connection to the PSN. Was able to open and play No Man\u2019s Sky. Closed it, tried opening Rocket League, but it wouldn\u2019t let me get past the start screen. Closed it and noticed my avatar lost the green connected icon. Now I\u2019m back to the \u201cOnline status unavailable\u201d message again. Hopefully it\u2019s a sign that full restoration will be available soon.
\n\nEdit: Texas, US
\nThen I must enjoy the moment of online before it goes
\nStill not working here in UK. They need to sort this out, I wanna spend my Saturday playing gta5, plus my daughter had plans to play it with her auntie today \ud83e\udee3\ud83e\udee3
\nIt's still down
\nStill nothing here in Brazil\u2026
\nStill off in South africa
\nDelete this now
\nWe pay for online and then the servers are down.
\ni mean im not pleased either but i'd assume it's just a random malfunction. those happen sometimes
\n*anonymous entered the chat for the second time
\nA few years ago, a part of the hacker group "Anonymous" hacked PSN. It was down for 23 days.\n \ud83d\ude09
\n\nEdit: more than a few years indeed \ud83d\ude02
\nA few years ago? Sir it\u2019s been 14 years.
\nIt was more than a few years ago. 2011.
\nohhh ok
\nSadly I just checked Americans still can\u2019t play online games on PlayStation
\nFucking Donald Trump strikes again \ud83d\ude21
\nSam here for Serbians
\nStill can\u2019t connect to mw3 or cod hq. So here we are
\nWhat country are you in?
\nCanada good sir
\nNot working in West Coast Canada
\nNot in Australia.
\nStill down in NL as well
\nSemi working in Ontario Canada. Can't play any game I purchased digitally but for some reason games I've gotten through PlayStation plus work fine.
\nThat\u2019s cap Joe
\nNothing in Union City Tennessee mines still down
\nStill no when it's will back
\nNo luck in Japan yet
\nStill down - Germany. Can't get cod running
\nWhy is this company still having these issues after decades of working in the online space? Do they invest anything in network maintenance whatsoever?
\nFellow Patapon enjoyer I see
\nStill down for me
\nIt's working for me. Playing fc24 online
\nYe it shows online but still dont work
\nworking now
\nNo they\u2019re not.
\nNot for me
\nDoes anyone have servers working in the Ukrainian region?
\nNo they aren't. They haven't fixed the whole. You can't sign in to most online games that use PSN. Stop spreading this news as an absolute.
\nNot realy
\nSeems like it\u2019s up and running again in Japan. Loading up The Division now.
\nNot working about 9 hours in Turkey.
\nStill not working in Finland
\nMine came back i had to do a restart then it went away again uhhgg
\nDoubt it
\nNot working in Spain
\nSame thing for me but doesn't actually let me play any online stuff
\nNothing working in Ireland
\nThis is horrible can\u2019t since 7 pm this has been like this Sony fix up man\u00a0
\nare ur guys servers still down
\nOh thank goodness I thought it was just my peice of crap ps4 finally dying on me. Guess Playstation in general is just being wack today.
\nNothing in the Netherlands. Should we expect Some form of compensation??
\nNo it's not. Delete it.
\nServers still down
\n\nSouth Africa
\nEverything working fine in Switzerland for a couple of hours now. Official status is still showing as red though, so I don\u2019t know if it will stay that way.
\nlol. I used a consumable that gave me double gold. Looks like that was a total waste \ud83d\ude1e
\nIt depends on what country you\u2019re in
\nAustralian mantience isn't fixed yet tho
\nMaybe it was fixed but it went offline
\nI was able to get on for about 20 minutes. PSN off line again, I'm in Northern Nevada.
\nWhat country?
\nI honestly don\u2019t know but I do know is it works in Saudi Arabia
\nDamn, still nothing in uk \ud83d\ude2d
\nSam in Serbia i Just want to play GTA 5 online\ud83d\ude2d
\nIt doesn\u2019t
\nI can get on my app just fine, but still nothing on my actual ps5
\nUpdate: nvm
\nJust in time for me finishing work.
\nWhat's going on, is it maintanence or something else ?
\nDefo not maintenance to be down all night on a Friday
\nIt went online enough for me to launch a game, it\u2019s down again. \n-Netherlands
\nSame for me. NL also
\nMy PS5 beeped and shut off. No warning, nothing, I was in the midst of music rally in gt7