(Day 10) Who is the best representation of Repressed Negative Emotions in Poppy Playtime?
This is Day 10 of the game. The answer with the most upvotes in the comments will win. Think of who represents Repressed Negative Emotions in Poppy Playtime the most. By Repressed Negative Emotions it means characters that have a lot of Repressed Negative Emotions.
Willpower - The Player
Fear - CatNap
Love - Kissy Missy
Rage - Mommy Long Legs
Hope - DogDay
Greed - Leith Pierre
Compassion - Miss Delight (this emotion was really weird, so it actually means the least compassion)
Death - The Prototype
Life - Poppy Playtime
Repressed Negative Emotions -
No duplicate character answers, you can only pick a character once so think wisely.
Credit to u/LowRun6741 for the idea of this game on r/Invincible
This is Day 10 of the game. The answer with the most upvotes in the comments will win. Think of who represents Repressed Negative Emotions in Poppy Playtime the most. By Repressed Negative Emotions it means characters that have a lot of Repressed Negative Emotions.
Willpower - The Player
Fear - CatNap
Love - Kissy Missy
Rage - Mommy Long Legs
Hope - DogDay
Greed - Leith Pierre
Compassion - Miss Delight (this emotion was really weird, so it actually means the least compassion)
Death - The Prototype
Life - Poppy Playtime
Repressed Negative Emotions -
No duplicate character answers, you can only pick a character once so think wisely.
Credit to u/LowRun6741 for the idea of this game on r/Invincible