Which Team Wins?
{"account": null, "authorFlair": {"t5_yrt2z": {"AutoModerator": null, "ArandowGuy": {"text": "DOOM Slayer number 1 wanker", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "DOOM Slayer number 1 wanker"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#46d160", "templateId": "4c41602c-f7a3-11ee-bd30-0ecf6ebbb78f"}, "momoblitz": null, "RaginBoi": null, "Secure-Juggernaut660": null, "RogueSD": null, "LainBre": null, "Master-of-darklight": {"text": "Cheeseman turns your favorite verse into cheese.", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "Cheeseman turns your favorite verse into cheese."}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "light", "backgroundColor": "#ff4500", "templateId": "f6a73d6c-1d9f-11ef-84c5-92c004fba593"}, "Vandelune1": {"text": "Kirby eats your verse", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "Kirby eats your verse"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#edeff1", "templateId": "ec3baf0c-1d9f-11ef-9372-a2522dc5fe80"}, "Artistic_Lynx_1510": null, "Speedking676": null, 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"backgroundColor": "", "templateId": null}, "Vivid-Area1477": null, "SeriesREDACTED": {"text": "High Level Scaler", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "High Level Scaler"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#ffd635", "templateId": "06ce94b6-046f-11ed-9eb8-ee6ac9674ed6"}, "Dannyphampton_new": null, "the-real-niko-": {"text": "Not a Scaler", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "Not a Scaler"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#878a8c", "templateId": "124574a0-f7a1-11ee-b454-a2e704d71055"}, "Cryngus_Maximus": null, "1303912": {"text": "kirby solos\ud83d\udd95", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "kirby solos\ud83d\udd95"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "light", "backgroundColor": "#ff4500", "templateId": "f6a73d6c-1d9f-11ef-84c5-92c004fba593"}, "ZennyLovesBoobiesss": null, "HeartSmooth4370": null, "AllTheSith": null, "ReadMedakaBox": {"text": "\ud83d\udd29\u300c\u00a0Misogi Kumagawa's Most Miserable Follower \u300d\ud83d\udd29", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "\ud83d\udd29\u300c\u00a0Misogi Kumagawa's Most Miserable Follower \u300d\ud83d\udd29"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#edeff1", "templateId": "ec3baf0c-1d9f-11ef-9372-a2522dc5fe80"}, "Fish_Strangler": null, "Alarmed_Sea4712": null, "North_Cross_3060": null, "ThunderG0d2467": null, "bruhAd6630": null, "HellFireToby": {"text": "Number One Goku Glazer. ", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "Number One Goku Glazer. "}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "light", "backgroundColor": "#ff4500", "templateId": "f6a73d6c-1d9f-11ef-84c5-92c004fba593"}, "Suspicious-Lunch-734": null, "BenNamu": {"text": "Customizable Flair", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "Customizable Flair"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#edeff1", "templateId": "ec3baf0c-1d9f-11ef-9372-a2522dc5fe80"}, "Annual-Frame9943": null, "TempestDB17": null, "Gullible-Educator582": {"text": "Tired of defending Kirby fans, Senran Kagura arc", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "Tired of defending Kirby fans, Senran Kagura arc"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#46d160", "templateId": "4c41602c-f7a3-11ee-bd30-0ecf6ebbb78f"}, "Fragrant-Guarantee57": null, "screeeeeeeeeee_500": null, "Mrdrac_69": {"text": "I WILL GLAZE SIMON EVEN AFTER I DIE! \ud83d\udde3\ufe0f\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "I WILL GLAZE SIMON EVEN AFTER I DIE! \ud83d\udde3\ufe0f\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#46d160", "templateId": "4c41602c-f7a3-11ee-bd30-0ecf6ebbb78f"}, "Inadequate06": {"text": "New Scaler", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "New Scaler"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#ea0027", "templateId": "a8a51f22-046e-11ed-8458-ca4976d6108c"}, "Hierophant-Crimsion": null, "StrikingAd1671": {"text": "Bleach Lorekeeper", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "Bleach Lorekeeper"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#ff4500", "templateId": "8b9af6d2-f79b-11ee-856a-529d2f91ca1f"}, "KamiChrisy": null, "_nitro_legacy_": {"text": "My Glorious Banger ARGUS BANGS the fictional reality ", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "My Glorious Banger ARGUS BANGS the fictional reality "}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#edeff1", "templateId": "ec3baf0c-1d9f-11ef-9372-a2522dc5fe80"}, "SoloLimitlessRank": null, "Ok-Distribution-8944": null, "AverageHuman178": null, "Funnyvalentiner": {"text": "My list, so I can\u2019t miss!", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "My list, so I can\u2019t miss!"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#46d160", "templateId": "4c41602c-f7a3-11ee-bd30-0ecf6ebbb78f"}, "HybridgonSherk": null, "KeyLoad4355": {"text": "the axiom>>>>>rest of videogames", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "the axiom>>>>>rest of videogames"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#46d160", "templateId": "4c41602c-f7a3-11ee-bd30-0ecf6ebbb78f"}, "Klutzy_Shopping5520": null, "rikesh398": null, "Wise_Victory4895": {"text": "Madoka steps on your verse", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "Madoka steps on your verse"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "light", "backgroundColor": "#ff4500", "templateId": "f6a73d6c-1d9f-11ef-84c5-92c004fba593"}, "it_s_me-t": {"text": "This conversation is part of my plan", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "This conversation is part of my plan"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "light", "backgroundColor": "#005ba1", "templateId": "fe0e1012-1d9f-11ef-bb90-12f8287016fa"}, "Clementea": {"text": "NasuverseGotTooMuchDownplayed", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "NasuverseGotTooMuchDownplayed"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#edeff1", "templateId": "ec3baf0c-1d9f-11ef-9372-a2522dc5fe80"}, "Daksh_4": null, "DerReckeEckhardt": {"text": "GER unironically Solos", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "GER unironically Solos"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#46d160", "templateId": "4c41602c-f7a3-11ee-bd30-0ecf6ebbb78f"}, "Bored_Reddit-Guy": {"text": "Would you like to hear about our lord and saviour rimiru tempest", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "Would you like to hear about our lord and saviour rimiru tempest"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "light", "backgroundColor": "#005ba1", "templateId": "fe0e1012-1d9f-11ef-bb90-12f8287016fa"}, "SnooDingos9891": {"text": "Low Level Scaler", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "Low Level Scaler"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#ff4500", "templateId": "ed67def6-046e-11ed-8c5f-fe0aeea2a85d"}, "CalmerDown_Hiroto": null, "JesusChristMyLord1": null, "PleaseAdminsUnbanMe": {"text": "goku without god forms > saitama", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "goku without god forms > saitama"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "light", "backgroundColor": "#005ba1", "templateId": "fe0e1012-1d9f-11ef-bb90-12f8287016fa"}, "AgencyPrestigious330": null, "MrUnparalleled": null, "GamingWorld1239": null, "Buttery_Punk": null, "Valuable_Peanut_6213": null, "Sea-Success-5332": null, "15th_anynomous": null, "DifferentTop3302": null, "DrSatanDude": null, "[deleted]": null, "theitchcockblock": null, "figurethisoat": null, "Grif_the_Crit": null, "StreetOk9058": null, "OnDasLe": null, "Kego_Nova": null, "Wilczak56": null, "errority": null, "FREEZIELEVRAI": null, "One-Neighborhood4534": null, "yuker_om_pochidor": null, "Briyte": null, "shototodoroki_1324": {"text": "The Man in the Wall solos Goku", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "The Man in the Wall solos Goku"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "light", "backgroundColor": "#005ba1", "templateId": "fe0e1012-1d9f-11ef-bb90-12f8287016fa"}, "danikospanpro": null, "ReplacementTiny5503": null, "Kaos161": null, "DarklordKyo": null, "ThunderClanWarrior": null, "humannumber217354385": null, "IvanTheStonksMaster": {"text": "Mid Level Scaler", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "Mid Level Scaler"}], "type": "richtext", "textColor": "dark", "backgroundColor": "#ffb000", "templateId": "f854e534-046e-11ed-9388-066fa79b1776"}, "Nervous_Tomatillo912": null, "FaustP1": null, "Alternative-You-7388": null, "Krash2o": null, "Stunning-Judgment-67": null, "Better-Knee-3113": {"text": "Final Boss of JoJo Glazing (Also a Follower of Gokuism\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25)", "richtext": [{"e": "text", "t": "Final 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\nNaruto on this fight:
\n\n\nDoes either Saitama or Meliodas have resistance to existence erasure?
\nSantana straight up seems to not be affected by a lot of reality bending bullshit, but reality erasure isn't seen yet
\nShit, ( i will not change it now, my mistakes have to be displayed to show the world that despite my greatness i am still but a human)
\ndw santana solos
\nNever not going to call him Santana now.
\nBest Pillar Man
\nHis solos were great with Matchbox 20.
\nbased asf
\nWhat version of narcissism is this?
\nThe one that's acceptable enough.
\nHe would eat naruto
\nI imagine Saitama eating him like a Wrap deepthroating him in 2 bites
\nI was talking about Santana, but that image of Saitama is really funny
\nJust like the ocean under the moon.
\n\nWell, it\u2019s the same as the emotion that I get from you.
\ni dont see santana from jjba part 2 in here bro
\nSantana uses his ultimate attack and neutralizes them all with a performance of Oye Como Va captivating them with live music
\nSaucy Santana galaxy level confirmed
\nI'm gonna put a hard no on the reality erasure.\nLike I know people want to go off on feats because of his semi-joke character status but if he blocked a reality cutting attack, chances are reality erasing isn't gonna work.
\n\nI feel like they just haven't gotten far enough into a story where God or whoever else can try to erase Saitama yet
\n\nI have a feeling even if it did happen, it be like zenoh how he was floating in a void, and Saitama could move his way to a nearby reality and "knock" like how he did the mental dimension between child emperor and phoenix man.
\n\nHonestly at this rate I think that's how they'd spin it.
\nRasenshurikan is just pulling apart the target, it's not existence erasure.
\nI think they're talking about the Truth Seeking Orbs, which are existence erasure (since it can permanently damage Edo Tensei'd bodies, and Minato's soul was even shown as still missing his arms after being hit with it).
\n\nThough I'm not sure if that matters much here since I don't see any of the other characters getting hit with it, and Naruto also has a limited number of them anyway (9 I believe), and he apparently can't create more.
\nHe also doesn't have them anymore. Like he full can't create any more and all 9 have been destroyed so no he does not have them.
\n\nThey also can be destroyed as mentioned.
\nIs it that even ? Early on when Naruto starts creating the rasenshuriken it's said that it's thousands of tiny needles piercing cells or whatever
\nDeath by a thousand cuts. Still is weak asf when you compare it to the other monsters in that post
\nSaitama has some sort of an unexplained toon force. He is able to hold dimensional portals with his hands and move them around. Survives cataclysmic attacks by farting at the right moment. So he might have a toon force related resistance.
\nThat 6-path black hairy ball is some useless shit compared to other abilities\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udfff
\nTalk no jutsu maybe \ud83d\ude02
\nNo, Naruto honestly scales higher than giorno, and is more powerful than meliodas
\nThen they kiss
\nWhat show is this it looks peak
\ntengen toppa gurren lagann, this scene is from the second movie though
\nSimon says I win
\nTeam B believes in the them that believes in themselves so they win
\nThese types of matchups always just can be summarised to simply the strongest character on each team, and the rest are utterly irrelevant. In this case the matchup is basically just Rimuru vs Simon.
\nTechnically Goku could use the energy of his very strong teammates to create a big ass spirit bomb\u00a0
\nspiral power genkidama would go insanely hard
\nGiga genkidama breaker!
\nOk, this idea is fucking awesome and i NEED to see it
\nThis made me realize how fucking brutal a Simon/Goku team up would be.
\nInstead of a ball, it's a drill. Drill shaped spirit bomb.
\nSpirit drill
\nUnless you can put some sort of theme of each team, then yeah, I can agree it does get boring
\nSimon over Goku? This the first time I've ever seen someone put others over Goku. I've never watched any Dragon Ball, so all the talk had me thinking Goku was real powerful!
\nGoku most impressive feats:
\n\nHis battle against Beerus was creating shockwaves who would eventually destroy the universe
\n\nDuring the tournament of power his power was "shaking the nothingness"
\n\nOverall: he's around Universe+ to low multiversal and you could argue him to be around Low-complex if you believe heaven is a larger plane of existence
\n\nSimon feats:
\n\nThrowed hands with a 11 dimensional god
\n\nProcessing img fipy53s2gxke1...
\n\nOverall: just look at this shit
\n\nHonestly, how Simon got to this level of strength when they were just humans is beyond me. I know the Spiral energy or whatever, but it's still crazy how much they can get or he can get. I have to look more into how he got so much and so strong.
\nBecause he can touch the untouchable, do the undoable.
\nBreak the unbreakable
\nand do the impossible
\nRow row fight the powah
\nChou Ginga was super charged when Kittan destroyed the death spiral machine. Then, everyone combined with Chou Ginga to form Tengen Toppa. This generated an exponential growth. Enough for everyone to reach Tengen Toppa tier on their own (I guess?)
\n\nThen, we had Lordgenome converting a big bang into spiral energy and giving it to Simon, and everyone combining again.
\n\nDunno if I'm missing something else. Been a while since I saw the movie
\nFrom what I understand, it wasn't supposed to be a big bang. It was more akin to the anti-spiral hosing them down with a stream of universes, a LITERAL multiversal attack. Got changed to simply being a bing bang blast because the artists just couldn't quite figure out how to properly depict something of such magnitude.
\nBro's drawing universes as 2d galaxies\ud83d\ude2d
\nGoku IS powerful, but Simon is exaggeratedly powerful, easily Complex-Multiversal tier, while Goku is usually ranked between Universal to Low Multiversal tier
\nHow is he higher than Anti-spiral? Didn't he held back to fight Simon on equal grounds?
\nBecause of how spiral power works, if the Anti-spiral power tried to fight them with his full, Simon would immediately grow more powerful than him. The only way to beat a spiral-power user on the level of Simon would be to break their spirit.
\nFrom my understanding the anti spiral fight on the level of their opponent due to the spiral power\u2019s ability to grow rapidly in combat so even if the anti spiral went all out from the start it is likely that Simon would have evolved to meet that level of power. That being said we don\u2019t know that for sure so I could be totally wrong but that\u2019s how I look at it at least. IMO it wasn\u2019t the anti spiral being cocky but ensuring that Simon\u2019s power level wouldn\u2019t grow during the battle
\nHe IS powerful but not compared to a lot of the monsters showcased on this sub. In this case standing next to Simon, sung, and Rimuru at the very least here he is pretty much fodder. The Goku fan base wank the shit out of him in order to uphold the agenda so that\u2019s probably why you got the idea that he was super super powerful
\nI haven't seen Goku use attacks that are hitting the enemy in the past present and future
\nGuys I\u2019m new here is he being ironic or not?
\nExcept it's Giorno
\nThis fight is between rimiru and Simon, but I believe Simon has the greater cosmology, so he should outscale. I'll give it to Simon, probably high-extreme diff. Don't know if he can actually kill rimiru. If not, it's a stalemate. Everyone else is a cheerleader. The closest non cheerleader is goku and jin Woo(LN). Otherwise, they shouldn't even be here.
\nSimon could trow universes at rimuru you know lol that should kill anybody
\nexcept LN Rimuru eats universes in his sleep and rebuilds them
\nIf somebody threw a cow at you would you survive?
\nIf I was so hungry I could eat a horse then im p sure i'd be able to eat a cow too
\nEat a what now?
\nSimon could actually beat Rimuru since he can hit him \u201cat every point in space and time\u201d. That will get rid of Satoru Mikami and his core at the same time. There\u2019s also the massive stat advantage, but that\u2019s a boring answer.
\nI have read the solo leveling manhwa, up to chapter 200 (basically before ragnarok).
\n\nExcept to the not-explained time-travelling shit, i dont see how Jin Woo could hold a candle to Goku, Saitama, Ichigo, hell even to war-arc Naruto.
\nyou gotta read Ragnarok for that, he gets much stronger than monarchs, like WAY LOT in Ragnaarok, he basically starts fighting Itarims, mulitiple Itarims by himself(Itarims are the creators, we saw one Itarim in normal Solo Leveling, which was killed by a group effort by all the Fragments of Light. The itarims basically create universes for fun all the time, and now Sung Jin Woo is fighting MULTIPLE OF THEM together, all by himself.
\nGoku solos
\nGER king of stalemate but probably Simon could carry Team B to victory but Rimiru may pose an issue. Either Team B wins or Stalemate
\nSoloku and my GOAT Simon? Hell yeah \ud83d\udce1
\nIt comes to Rimuru vs Simon. Simon scales higher on other hand Rimuru has hax to at least avoid getting defeated. So either team B wins or stalemate imo.
\nWe wrote our comments at the same time, that is comical
\nSimon has anti-hax too like probability altering projectile attacks. He literally beat the concept of entropy with his bare hands
\nWell that's why I say either team B wins or stalemate. Rimuru has Probablity Manipulation too and also has resistance to haxes like Probablity Manipulation or Reality Warping. He can comeback from imformation erasure and has high godly regeneration. I don't think he really has anything to kill Simon but he has some troublesome defenses to pull off a stalemate depending on situation.
\n\nFair enough, just always gotta stand by my GOAT
\nRimuru also has probability manipulation and also resists it.
\n\nBesides Veldora is also the concept of entropy and Rimuru is far stronger then Veldora.
\nWhere did Simon do that?
\nSimon did a lot of crazy shit fighting anti spiral and leading up to the fight
\nDidn't we see this exact image before or am I just imagining
\nWe did see it 2 days ago I believe
\nCould be with different characters since I made this one.
\nso semen vs rimuru?
\nSemen vs Rimjob
\nBro wut
\nSemen vs Rimuru
\nIs semen a typo?
\nNah I think it's funny to call him semen
\nHey can someone add a red arrow and circle. I think it's goku on the second team but it's kinda blurry
\nSimon solos
\nTeam A basically only has Rimuru and Team B basically only has Simon, but with the addition of Jin Woo and GER, I think team B wins.
\nTeam b because i like giorno and goku more than reinhard ir saitama
\nBased af, vote not by facts, but because they're cooler lol
\n\nRimuru has nothing over My Goat, Optimus Prime
\n\n\nThe fuck is Naruto gonna do? Cheer?!\ud83d\ude02
\nHe got the shadow clone so he could make a cheerleading squad
\nSimon and Goku on the same team?
\n\nIt\u2019s not even a question. They win by sheer Goatness alone.
\n\nSJW\u2019s artificial aura holds the team back though. He might make the team lose just by being a fucking bum.
\n\n\n\nSJW\u2019s artificial aura holds the team back though. He might make the team lose just by being a fucking bum
Realest shit I've heard today
\nPretty sure team B wins because of Simon lol
\nB stomps
\nIsn\u2019t this just Rimuru vs Simon, Jinwoo, and Goku?
\nIsn\u2019t rimiru like leagues ahead of all of these guys?
\nAs far as i know, Rimuru is 7D whereas Simon scales to 11 D by beating anti spiral
\nSimon could beat him but i think it would be close
\nTeam b as Simon so they automatically win.
\nFlair fits
\nThis is basically Light Novel Rimuru vs Simon The Digger. Their teammates aren\u2019t helping shit. Going with A.
\nCan we swap Ichigo and Naruto? Nothing with scaling, I just want Ichigo and Jinwoo (my goats) to be on the same team
\nIt\u2019s basically Simon vs Rimuru and Reinhard. Team A got it
\nIt's just Simon and jinwoo vs rimuru
\n\nThe rest have little relevance here
\nu/Ok-Distribution-8944 Is Naruto and Fodderku holding back Team b?
\nI would say they would be better being cheerleaders for their squad. Fraudku and Naruto don't have anything to contribute except for maybe just a warm up. \ud83d\ude02
\nFraudku would probably try to fight his own team mates to try to test their strength and have his own team distracted by causing a mess, this guy needs to get off the fight and start cheerleading \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02
\nSo true. \ud83d\ude02
\nRimuru is on team A so tram B wins!
\nSimon, Giorno and Sung Jin-woo? That\u2019s insane\ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udc80
\nAs much as i love saitama, i chose team B for gurren lagan. I don't even care about goku, that mecha anime was peak anime.
\nit's basically Rimuru (LN + Webnovel) vs simon mabye sung jin woo (ragnarok) and mabye dio if i understand GER
\nGoatku and Simon the Goat solo team A
\nTeam two
\n\nSimon carries offense, Giorno carries defense
\nWhy no one is not considering giorno in team b
\n\n\nRimuru solos team b
\nRimuru and Reinhard on the same team? Bruh. Well at least Team B have Simon...And Soloku.
\n\nSoloku gonna solo so Soloku
\nRimuru vs Simon essentially. And I like Rimuru more so he wins.
\n\nRimuru has better hax and abilities and he will eat everyone on the battlefield and grow stronger gaining their abilities. He will Analyze and obtain the Spiral Force for himself. Simons spiral force holds the possibility to give him infinite energy but probably doesn't ,Nihility Collapse already does give rimuru infinite energy , rimuru can't be killed till veldora and velgrynd are dead too, he can summon them in the fight if he needs to and can increase his stats by 2 times by reabsorbing them into himself.
\n\nThey're both around Complex multiversal rn and I say that rimurus strength will increase faster than Simon's. And Simon has no way to put him down and with rimuru obtaining spiral force with his and his manas willpower. Better abilities and hax, rimuru will probably find a way to nyullify spiral force or make barriers against it.
\nRimuru >>>
\nWait til tensura is finished until then Simon solos... or even if it finishes it's still Simon lmao
\nCan someone tell me both Rimiru and Simons abilities? I\u2019ve never heard of either
\nToo many, so i'm just gonna say Simon is 4D above rimuru so he pretty much outscales
\nbasically LN rimuru is nigh omnipotent and simon can play golf with universes instead of golf balls
\nWho is the guy in the middle of team B?
\nSimon from Gurren Lagann. He doesn\u2019t really have hax but he\u2019s absurdly strong, so much so that he was picking up universes and throwing them like frisbees and boxing god.
\nHe's got probability manipulation doesn't he? Other than that idk
\nIf it wasmt for giorno its a win for tema a, but giorno makes it a tie
\nGiorno and Simon tag team too much. You can't do anything while Simon beats your ass
\nOne question is fusion allowed I mean can Goku and Simon fused together otherwise team A .
\nA because I hate that Stupid black haired annoying no personality power scaling jackass
\nThis is the funniest thing I've read all day
\nTengen toppa guren lagan literally moves several trillion times faster that light
\nLet's get creative and imagine that team B makes a robot with the energy of the 5... How long would it take to defeat team A?
\nTeam A because Saitama solos
\nSimon's whole existence is a problem\u2620\ufe0f\u2620\ufe0f\u2620\ufe0f\nYou somehow kill him? He says fk you and comes back through sheer will. You'd defeat him? He keeps rising. You destroy his planet, he rebuilds it. Spiral energy is only limited by the user's strength of will.
\nGolden experience requiem goes brrr
\nteam Giorno
\nSo, excluding Saitama (maybe, it depends on his level of adaptation, Ichigo, Melodious, Goku, and Naruto, huh?
\n\nTema B. While Team A has Rimuru and Reinhard, you've got the embodiment of death, the embodiment of both the multiverse and determination, and the embodiment of no on the opposing team.
\nMy bet is on Giorno since he has his requiem stand. He has the power to undo literally anything the others throw at him.
\nG.E.R doing 99.99 Percent of the work
\ndo you understand how GER works
\nGER solos everyone
\nSorry, but GER solo
\nTeam B because I prefer them.
\nDepends is there a sale in a supermarket or not
\nTeam B because of Gold Experience Requiem.
\nTeam B. Simone the Digger, and GER Giorno.
\nSimon and Giorno carrying the team with "I HAVE A DREAM (ROW ROW FIGHT THA POWAH)"
\nNeither, appleman tosses an apple and deletes the multiverse before the fight even started
\n\n\nBattle of infinite power between saitama and ger
\nGiorno casually saying "no" to every attack
\nOne has Goku, Simon, and Giorno, a fighter beyond gods, one of the most OP mecha protagonists ever, and someone who can reduce all damage to 0, respectively.
\n\nTeam 2 wins
\nIf Giorno wasn't there, I'd give it to team A. Giorno can RTZ most of the other team (idk enough about Rimeru's LN bullshitery to say if they'd even be affected), letting Goku and SJW take them out
\nTeam B definitely wins because it's either they stalemate or team B wins GER will not allow them to lose
\nTeam B
\nB because There's GER since Every attack,as in everything be it infinite damage or erases someones reality it will revert to zero.
\nGiorno win everyone
\nTeam B and it\u2019s not even close. Jin woo and Goku is a crazy duo. Naruto ain\u2019t doin crap bro\ud83d\udc80\ud83d\ude4f what is he doing here anyway
\nReinhard, pulling out the Divine Blessing of Nuh Uh against GER
\nTeam b and it's not even close idk who the red hair dude is tho
\nYeah, Simon, Goku, Jin, and Giorno-
\nTeam B:
\n\nGiorno: prevents Saitama's punches from doing anything
\n\nSimon: handles everyone except Ichigo
\n\nGoku: he can see ghosts so he's a counter to Ichigo
\nSimon is enough
\nRimuru kinda carrying team A while team B has 3 heavy hitters as powerful (Simon is stronger) than Rimuru \ud83d\udc80
\n\nTeam B solos