TLDR for The Explosive Child?
My son is 3 and he checks almost all the boxes for the problems that he has and how he struggles to meet our expectations. But a lot of the advice seems geared towards older kids. I can't get my son to sit down and talk to me about his feelings or work with me through them. During, before, or after. I eventually stopped reading because none of the scenarios were really relatable and it was taking too long to get to the "how to help the child".
Maybe I didn't give it enough of a chance but as the mom of a feral child I don't get a lot of downtime to read lol
Can someone help me out here?
So I know what he struggles with and I have no idea how to build the skills he needs to overcome those struggles.
- has difficulty with transitions
- has difficulty being told no
- has difficulty controling impulses
- has difficulty regulating emotions when he doesn't get what he wants
- has difficulty expressing how he feels
- has difficulty expressing anger without using violence or being destructive
I also want to add that he is a stimulus junkie and constantly on the move from one task to the next. Also physically. Jumping running etc. apparently though he is a perfect angel at daycare, always has been.
Anyway, advice most appreciated. Tia.