Is FTM transitions a good example of male loneliness comparative to female loneliness?

A lot of ftm stories highlight the difficulty of daily care and daily interactions once they begin to pass as a male like feeling desired sexually as a friend or just general ability to start to get to know people. Along with a much smaller pool of people leaning FTM vs MTF and less complaints tied to the later after the transition is actually made.

I understand women in terms of dating they have to prioritize physical safety and annoyance at when where and how many males may approach. Men have to become capable and manage thier desperation in the same vein.

I'm not unaware a % of women may already experience this due to desirability but its an almost default male experience to be considered a physical threat by women or competition by men.

Would it be a bad Idea to point women who believe in male priviledge and female oppression towards that contrast?