Wendy vs. Nneka - and Karen

A LOT of discussion this morning regarding Wendy and her friendships.

First, it seems like Nneka was WAY more easily accepted into the group. Gizelle and Robyn and Charrisse definitely gravitated towards her. They still socialize with her off the show. I think the season where they brought up the Eddie rumors and Wendy made fun of their relationships really damaged their relationships with each other. I think Gizelle and Wendy were only able to move past it all this season.

During the Eddie rumor season, Karen only seemed to just be getting close to her. She was more protective of Wendy against Gizelle and Robyn vs anything else.

Wendy said last night that her bond with Karen really strengthened due to Karen supporting her during the rumors about her mother started during Nneka's season. A lot was going on, including Charrisse hanging out with Nneka and Nneka being called the new Grand Dame of Potomac. I think Wendy and Karen and Candice were allies/friends on a very fractured season.

I haven't seen a ton of photos of Karen and Wendy hanging out outside the show. They were show friends, and probably Wendy's closest friend on the show. I think K has a more organic friendship with Karen - they call each other all the time and K visits her at home. I don't see that with Wendy. To BE FAIR - maybe Wendy is too busy with kids, multiple jobs, etc. I have friends who are less available and are not great at calling or hanging out. No shade - but it does affect closeness even though we are certainly friends.

I think what happened at Stacey's event really damaged Karen and Wendy's relationship. Stacey met separately with Mia and Ashley only after she was mad at her. I THINK it's very possible that Stacey put "hot sauce" on whatever Karen said. We are never going to know. I am sure she did say that Mia wasn't Potomac. I think Wendy was really hurt and just took it as hard as possible.

In terms of Karen not thanking Wendy in her video, it's very possible that she and Wendy haven't even talked in six months since that event. A LOT has happened since Stacey's event including the guilty verdict, the videos, etc. Even Ashley reached out to Karen for Christmas and K for New Year's. If that's the case, I don't think it is shady at all for Karen not to thank her.

I am a fan of Wendy and a HUGE fan of Eddie. I think Wendy has had some big obstacles connecting with the women over the years. I think she is relatively cool with Gizelle now. I think the same conversation needs to happen between Wendy and Karen if they both come back and once Karen is settled back in.

Anyway, just some thoughts