Women in first-world countries are not immune to misogyny

If you're from an under-developed or developing country you must constantly hear about the conditions of women in a developed country. "They've achieved gender equality! Women there don't have to fight for their rights or freedom as much as we do! They don't need feminism anymore!" This is probably the biggest fucking lie told to women of this generation.

If you're a woman from a first world country who thinks that your country is "one of the good ones" please stop lying to yourself and come back to reality. Your country is only developed in terms of technology, not progressive. If your country is truly equal for all we wouldn't have to see horrifying crimes committed against women and traditions harming women to this day from South Korea, Japan, Australia, France, Germany, Ireland, etc.

Misogynists love spreading a false narrative on how modern women don't need feminism anymore, just know that if you hear bullshit like this you're still far from achieving true equality. I'm tired of hearing how free women are in other nations because they can get a PhD or go to a beach wearing a two-piece. Literally talk to any random man about wanting more equality and he'll go "Why so women can parade naked on the streets?" That's what their minds go to because they don't fucking know what feminism is about.

(Most) Men all over the world share the same patriarchal mindset, just ask two men from two different continents about what they think of women and they'll repeat the same sexist rhetoric you hear everywhere. Men in developed countries are not more respecful of women because they see them as humans, but because they have extensive laws protecting women. Literally the one thing keeping these men from committing horrendous crimes is a fear of going to prison, not basic empathy or morality.

And it's so easy for a nation to fall back in progress. Just look at Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, USA, and many more places which might soon meet this exact fate. I just want all women to embrace that angry feminist stereotype and keep preaching about equality and intersectionality, no matter how equal or progressive your country may be. Your silence gives these bigots more power to shift the narrative and paint you as the villain.