Alex Kurtzman on Section 31: "I think you tend to find Star Trek because you feel somehow like you don’t fit in, right? And Star Trek becomes a safe place that tells you it’s okay to be different. It’s okay to be a misfit. And this is a movie about misfits, right?"
So what would you say is the Star Trek of it all that would reassure them?
Here’s what I would say. I think that first and foremost, as a fan, and as many fans that I’ve spoken to, I think you you tend to find Star Trek because you feel somehow like you don’t fit in, right? And Star Trek becomes a safe place that tells you it’s okay to be different. It’s okay to be a misfit. And this is a movie about misfits, right? And so in a way, it’s, I think, reinforcing one of the things that is elemental about Star Trek.
Just a ragtag group of misfits. They're so relatable!
Georgiou was responsible for rendering Qo'noS uninhabitable, and, together with Sylvia Tilly, she subjugated the Betazoids and wiped out Mintaka III. (DIS: "Will You Take My Hand?") She bombarded the Talosians in retaliation for trying to deceive her with their psychic illusions. (DIS: "If Memory Serves")
In spite of the Empire’s xenophobic tendencies, Emperor Georgiou had taken titles native to the Vulcan, Klingon, and Andorian subjects of her Empire, as she was addressed as "Overlord of Vulcan, Dominus of Qo'noS," and "Regina Andor", among others, symbolic of her success at conquering and oppressing other species.
Clearly, she's just a misunderstood outcast.
Also, when I think of Star Trek, I don't think of a group of misfits. I think of everybody being represented equally and people striving to be the best they can be and conduct their work professionally and with passion.
Starfleet aren't outliers of society; they're the best of it.
I literally can't believe he's trying to frame a group of murderers as "Just a jolly group of misfits. It's so very Star Trek at it's core!"