Making a story HOWEVER I NEED YOUR AVATARS! (Read body text because failure to read it will make you immediately excluded)

The Wanderer’s boredom has reached its boiling point but he had an idea that he thinks will be very entertaining.

Send your avatar and their lore and if he finds you interesting you’ll be a contestant in his little game.

Here are the rules.

  1. No troll avatars (sorry guys)

  2. No overpowered, divine, or quasi-immortal avatars (It would ruin the fun)

  3. Along with an image of your avatar give me your avatar’s lore

  4. Put in a fish emoji so that I can verify that you have read the rules

Addendum: if you are picked there is a chance that your character will die just FYI

There will be 30 people chosen and I will pick people in 2 days

Good luck :)

The Wanderer’s boredom has reached its boiling point but he had an idea that he thinks will be very entertaining.

Send your avatar and their lore and if he finds you interesting you’ll be a contestant in his little game.

Here are the rules.

  1. No troll avatars (sorry guys)

  2. No overpowered, divine, or quasi-immortal avatars (It would ruin the fun)

  3. Along with an image of your avatar give me your avatar’s lore

  4. Put in a fish emoji so that I can verify that you have read the rules

Addendum: if you are picked there is a chance that your character will die just FYI

There will be 30 people chosen and I will pick people in 2 days

Good luck :)