Drivers in the Latta/long pond area BE Aware!

I wish I had posted some thing about this before. In late April or May 2022, my husband and I were driving into the North Hampton Plaza. There was someone on a bike heading straight towards our car, to the point that we were forced to come to a complete stop. That person was JMac, the local celebrity. I remember thinking it was almost like he wanted to get hit. A month or so later I was horrified to read he HAD gotten hit by a car.

Fast-forward to yesterday. My husband and I are driving through that very same plaza. There were several cars in front of us, all waiting to turn right onto Latta Road. From the adjacent lot within the plaza, a white four-door SUV pulls out without looking and practically plows right into us. We laid on the horn and he stopped within inches of the driver’s side door. It was JMac behind the wheel. I’m not sure what’s going on with this young man, but I don’t want him or anyone else to get hurt. Once is an accident. Twice is a pattern. Three times is very disturbing.